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How to wear the corset properly?
Source: | Author:annzley | Published time: 2021-04-08 | 164 Views | Share:
How to wear the corset properly?
Friend experience:

Actually, it has been four years since I put on a corset waist. It means that I put it on at work every morning and take it off at lunch break; I put it on in the afternoon and take it off at home at night. 350 days a year, 8 or 9 hours a day. The reason is not to look good. It used to be too fat. It took me five years to grow from almost 300 Jin to 160 Jin now. At that time, the waistline was 3'7, 8, and the waistline was square. There's nothing to say about weight loss, regular exercise, eating, no torture. From the beginning of weight loss more than a year later, we found that the waist, abdomen and back of this circle are wrinkles, that is, the kind of loose skin similar to pregnancy wrinkles. It's most obvious when the weight is less than 200. Thin a lot of their own nature is very happy, but every time the bath is always open this belly of orange peel lines worry. Thanks to the wit of my wife, isn't it the same as my belly after I'm pregnant? Do you want to try the functional waistband. So began the day of persistence. Up to now, the skin has returned to firmness, and the waist circumference is less than 78cm. Note: 1, the kind of rope do not buy, miscellaneous do not buy, at least buy more than 300 yuan. It's important, but it's not the size. Health first. 2. You can't sleep in it. You can't do aerobics. Summer to buy at least 2 breathable, rotation wear, to prevent allergies. 3. At the beginning, I can't adapt to eating. I can't eat more and adapt slowly. Mild constipation, drink more water, eat more fruits and vegetables. Disappear immediately. 4. The wearing time is gradually extended. Results: the body weight has not changed for more than 2 years, has been 80 kg, exercise has been carried out regularly. But the waistline has gone from 89cm to 78cm now, and the problem of posture with chest has disappeared. Feeling is not to worry, not to be in a hurry for success, health is above everything. We must have our own rational understanding. There is no universal truth in this thing and habit, so we can only try it by ourselves. What is suitable is good, and what is not suitable is unnecessary. In order to look good, we need to hoop ourselves in steel bars and rubber. I wish you all good health
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