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How to wear corset is right
Source:Health website | Author:annzley | Published time: 2021-04-12 | 207 Views | Share:
#corset# positive and negative# inside # in # within#next to the skin # personal# bottoming ; priming #render# button# farther on # fore# above anadrome side# topz# over
Before wearing the waist, you must first distinguish the front and back and the top and bottom, and then start to wear it from the bottom. At the beginning, the time of wearing it every day should not be too long, generally about two to three hours. When wearing the waist, it's best to wear a sweat absorbing garment inside.
Distinguish the front and back of the waist is mainly to see the need to buckle the position, you can see the front and back of the waist, determine the front and back, put the side with buttons in front. Pay attention to the brand logo should be placed on the top, and then buckle the buttons one by one from the bottom to the top, so that the waist can be worn.
When wearing a corset, it's best to wear a bottomed garment, a T-shirt, a close fitting sling or vest, or a corset liner. Because the cleaning of the waist is more troublesome, so a primer can avoid excessive cleaning of the waist, prolong the life of the waist, and make it more comfortable to wear.
The cleaning of waist should be dry cleaning or in the warm water of about 40 degrees, add a few drops of detergent for proper soaking, about 10 minutes, it is best not to take too long, the buckle on waist may rust.
After soaking, gently rub and rinse with hands, and then air dry. Pay attention to that the waist is not allowed to be machine washed and dried.
At the beginning of wearing, pay attention to the time of wearing each time can not be too long, about a week later between the increase, each week can increase an hour to two hours, up to eight hours. You can't wear it when you are sleeping or during the physiological period.
You can also wear a waist band when you exercise, but it is not recommended for some sports with more abdominal roll movements, which may affect the elasticity of the waist band, and may reduce the service life of the waist band, but you can wear it in other sports.
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